Category Archives: Patient Portal

“EMR” vs. “EHR”… what’s the difference?

Electronic Health Records and Electronic Medical Records are used across the healthcare IT industry seemingly without much differentiation in meaning. However, they do have their own definitions

According to Wikipedia, “The terms EHR, EPR (electronic patient record) and EMR (electronic medical record) are often used interchangeably, although differences between them can be defined. The EMR can, for example, be defined as the patient record created in hospitals and ambulatory environments, and which can serve as a data source for the EHR.  It is important to note that an EHR is generated and maintained within an institution, such as a hospital, integrated delivery network, clinic, or physician office, to give patients, physicians and other health care providers, employers, and payers or insurers access to a patient’s medical records across facilities.

“A personal health record (PHR) is, in modern parlance, generally defined as an EHR that the individual patient controls.”

Nearly all organizations across the healthcare industry recognize the interchangeable use of these terms, using the term they most prefer.

Five Ways to Get Patients to Pay Online

Online bill payment can reduce a hospital’s cost to collect while also satisfying patients. The challenge is getting patients to adopt this paperless approach to payment.

While this is directed at hospitals, it applies 100% to any ambulatory practitioner. Read Emdeon’s recommendations for reducing your costs:

Five Ways to Get Patients to Pay Online

For information on adding a Patient Portal with online bill pay, contact us at or (800) 747-9099.

From online publications, 06/01/2012.

Stage 2 Meaningful Use guidelines are drawn

I just got a very eye-opening email from Frank Poggio, our go-to MU guy at The Kelzon Group, on the new draft for Stage 2 criteria.

I’ll just share one of the “Zingers” as Frank puts it…

“Most of Stage 2 are increases in percent utilization by providers, such as; use of electronic prescribing for more than 50% of prescriptions issued, vital signs in more than 80% of patient encounters, and recording smoking status for more than 80% (currently 50%).”

But here’s where it gets interesting:

“Stage 2 would require that more than 50% of patients be provided online access to their health information and demonstrate that more than 10% had actually accessed that information.”

That means that if you do not already have a Patient Portal, you better get one, and soon! While this might not be a terribly complex technical issue – you just need the software – the real complexity is in the time and effort it takes to get to the 50% use, and 10% PROOF of use!

In my doctor’s office, they are adamant about having you use their portal to make appointments and send repeated emails reminding me to do so. I know it’s actually easier to do things online, but it takes time to get around to doing this, and if I have an urgent issue, forget the web site – I’m calling!

So, your patients will need extra time and education to deal with this change. The sooner you implement your Patient Portal, the better.

If you have PrognoCIS EMR, it’s easy. Contact your sales rep, or call us at (800) 747-9099. And remember to allow time for any customization you might want!